1. Run to Glorietta Bay Park as warm-up (2.3 miles long way)
2. 1200 at "T" pace (see Daniels chart on this blog) from Swimming Pool to where Glorietta and Pomona intersect.
3. Jog about 2 min to Pomona Park
4. 1200 (or 800 for some) hilly "T" run at Pomona Park
Pomona Park 1200 |
6. 1200 "T" pace to from 6th to Tidelands (1st water fountain)
7. 2min break
8. 1200 "T" pace (girls and some others 800) starting at water fountain (see map).
Tidelands 1200 from water fountain |
Mileage was:
3.5 getting to Sunset and Back to School from Tidelands
4800 meters in Tempo runs (some replaced two 1200's with 800's)
... for about 6 - 6.5 miles of which 2.5 to 3 were at Threshold.
Tuesday Oct 23 Circuit Training
1. Approx 2.3 mile run to Tidelands (some took shorter route)
2. After warm-up we ran a circuit/core workout as follows.
Two points were established (A and B) 100 meters apart on the grass.
Fast run A-B
At B .. 50 crunches
Fast run B-A
At A Prone Plank for 1 minute (see earlier blog on planks)
Fast run A-B
At B Lateral Leg (side plank) leg raises 15 each side
Fast run B to A
At A ... Leg raises 6 inches off ground 10 seconds on 5 seconds off 6 repeats
Fast run A to B
At B ... Ten 8-Count Body Builders
Fast run B to A
At A ... back (supine) plank for 1 minute.
After the 1st circuit there was a 1 min rest then we repeated the circuit two more times with no break.
3. Easy run (1.2 miles) back to school.
Mileage was:
About 3.5 miles getting to Tidelands and back plus 1600 meters fast in circuit ... about 4.5 total
Wednesday 24 Oct
Since there was a dual meet the next day and we just had two hard workouts we just ran to Sunset park (1.2 miles) and did a meet warm-up.